INTRO DEAL: 6 classes for $60 (*over 21 days)

Ari (Ariella) Markman

Ari (Ariella) Markman

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

Ari loves, lives and breathes yoga. From her first class as a uni student trying to get her life together, she became deeply and richly immersed in the practice, teachings and philosophy of yoga.

After a 20 year career in human rights law and conflict resolution, Ari had an epiphany. It was yoga that made her feel most alive. All the teachings over the years, her love of this beautiful practice started to make sense. Time to free her inner teacher and create a community space.

Ari has been teaching yoga for many years. She has completed many incredible teacher trainings, has lectured hundreds of yoga teacher trainees and has run many workshops and retreats.

For Ari, yoga is a holistic frame that guides her through life. It supports the way she parents, the way she partners and the way she lives.

Ari’s classes share breath, philosophy, laughter and connection. She teaches with an authenticity and wisdom that will deepen your practice and your connection to you.

Stephanie Tenter

Stephanie Tenter

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

It took Stephanie a long time to finally step onto a yoga mat and once she did, it became a huge part of her life. Working in a busy corporate world tired, uninspired and stressed, yoga gave Stephanie what she longed for, a feeling of lightness and brightness.

With a desire to deepen her practice and share what yoga gives, she began to teach and a new path opened up. A dedicated yoga student who speaks authentically and from the heart, Stephanie loves to teach strong vinyasa classes, beginners and Yin – different class types that allow different parts of her personality to shine bright and support students.

David Gorvett

David Gorvett

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

David has always had a passion for movement practices – from solo and team sports to martial arts and everything in between – and came to Yoga gradually from the mid-2000s onwards.

Originally from the UK, Dave arrived in Melbourne in 2010 and settled into a regular practice, and hasn’t looked back since. Dave has a real passion for marrying movement to breath and encouraging students to listen to their bodies and honour how they feel each and every time they step on (or off!) the mat.

Daisy Tait

Daisy Tait

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

Daisy has always felt the importance of expression through movement, having trained as a dancer for most of her life. For Daisy, yoga was a way to do this, away from the competitiveness of the industry.

Daisy likes to encourage students to listen to their body and practice in a way that feels authentic to them, while ensuring that her classes are inclusive and accessible to all. Her influence from dance means her sequences are playful, creative and dynamic. 


Nick Fischer

Nick Fischer

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

Nick has a calm approach to teaching, focusing on interesting sequencing, breath, safe alignment and mindful movements. He offers a style of teaching that is accessible for all students, helping to foster a sense of inner awareness and connection for a more balanced life on and off the mat. We know you’ll love his soothing energy and sense of presence.

Liz Ellis

Liz Ellis

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

Liz believes that life shouldn’t be taken too seriously, and brings a light-hearted, relaxed approach to class. With fluid sequencing and a focus on anatomical alignment, she aims to safely balance fire, ease and play in the body.

With a background in Physiotherapy, and years of working with athletes, both elite and amateur, Liz’s approach shifted to include the holistic benefits of asana, pranayama and meditation. 

Liz’s teachings create a sense of freedom in the body, flowing breath to movement, allowing students to step out of the analytic mind and into the body’s ebbs and flow.

Betty Khumtong

Betty Khumtong

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

Betty is a devoted yoga practitioner who shares her experience and passion as a teacher for the past 16 years.

Self-taught from 18, using a book borrowed from her grandfather who was also a dedicated yoga practitioner, Betty’s practice has turned into years of showing up patiently on the mat. She recognizes the importance of self discipline and self motivation in a path towards self acceptance.

Betty brings a mindful practice that incorporates different important aspects of yoga in to her classes. Expect a strong, well-balanced classes that will leave you feel uplifted, opened and grounded.

Rachel Lewis

Rachel Lewis

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

Rachel’s teaching philosophy boils down to one overriding principle: helping students find inner
balance by sharing the pure joy of purposeful breath and movement. Yoga is like a coming home or an awakening for Rachel.

With energetic flowing sequences with an emphasis on cultivating prana, Rachel’s classes help to unravel the ties that hold us back and return to one’s divine essence. This helps students to see, feel and experience yoga as a vital life support – a vehicle to strengthen and soften far beyond the
physical. She truly believes it is a great honour and blessing to share these precious, ancient wisdom teachings, with our community.

Tzvia Ben-Rahamim

Tzvia Ben-Rahamim

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

Known and loved by many, Tzvia teaches a class rich with feeling, soul and strength. An immensely experienced teacher, Tzvia’s classes are filled with creative flows, modern wisdom and so much love. Join her on the mat to experience their magic.

Melissa Thomas

Melissa Thomas

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

Melissa is a warm and gorgeous human who teaches a beautiful, smooth vinyasa flow filled with soul, strength and intention. Her classes invite you to connect to your breath and your body, to feel into a sense of flow. Melissa’s classes will leave you feeling energised and clear.
Sarah Machado

Sarah Machado

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

Born in France, mama of 2 daughters, Yoga found Sarah more than 20 years ago. Sarah practices and shares a modern approach to traditional teachings using tools that she has been gifted by her teachers. Sarah loves all aspects of the yoga tradition (Asana, pranayama, mudra, mantra,
yoga nidra and meditation) to help students bring body and mind to a state of coherence.

Sarah creates space for everyone to feel welcome so they know they can practice in a way that feels good for their body. With a strong connection to the breath, energy, philosophy and self-inquiry, Sarah teaches with intention and soul.

Lara Dwyer

Lara Dwyer

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

With years of teaching experience and wisdom, Lara weaves together a beautiful practice that invites liveliness and joy, a cultivation of steadiness and spiritual connection. An eternal student who has trained with many exceptional teachers, she brings warmth, calm and a clarity to her teaching coupled with poetic guidance and a beautiful flow.

Connie Lui

Connie Lui

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

As a passionate yoga teacher, Connie enjoys guiding practitioners of all levels through dynamic flows, employing thoughtful sequencing and transitions that inspires both body and mind.

Through her own yoga journey and balancing corporate life, she recognises that yoga is not only a physical practice but also a gateway to inner calmness. Connie loves to embrace the power of pranayama, enhancing each class with a deep connection to the breath, cultivating a sense of stillness amidst the chaos of everyday life.

Tiffany Simon

Tiffany Simon

Teacher, The Yoga Space Melbourne

Tiffany’s nurturing and playful teaching style encourages students to engage in a practice of self-discovery and move from a place of intuition and intention. No two classes are ever the same, with creative, dynamic sequences and a modern interpretation of ancient yogi philosophies and techniques.

Yoga teachers at The Yoga Space Melbourne


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